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Turkey's Gold Production Rises: President Erdogan Inaugurates Mining Facility in Bilecik

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan poured the first gold bars in Bilecik on Friday.

Attended the opening ceremony of the mining facility. About 82% of the gold has been discovered

and is now ready to be extracted

waiting to be processed.

Subordinated to Bilecik Gübretaş in 2020, Inc. Announced;

The Turkish Agricultural Credit Institution reported that it had found a gold mine; in its territory in


It has reserves estimated at 109 tons. This is equivalent to about 5.3 million ounces of gold.

Turkey, 109 tonnes (5.3 million ounces of discovered gold worth approximately $5.6 billion to its


Getting ready to bring gold.

After being discovered in action at a mining site in Bilecik, Gübretaş quickly entered the breach.

created. The facility, which was opened today, aims to produce 6-7 tons of gold annually at full


Gold mining accounts for 15% of the gold production in Turkey. Former president of the foundation

According to Fakhruddin Bouyraz's explanation, the Astrologer is one of the few people in the

Gubretaş world. Gold

Gold is one of the five mines with the highest concentration of gold and may be Turkey's first mine.

There's also the density.

In some places, the mining percentage rises to 12%. In addition to the latest discovery, Turkey does

not slow down in Bilecik.

about the world's largest mines $ 5.6 billion, efforts to discover gold reserves industry

continues with the approval of the minister.

Mustafa Falik's gold in the Çanakkale region ranges from 80 to 100 billion dollars.

owns the mines. Minister Varank also announced that 20 tons of gold was found. Meanwhile

With a market value of 2.1 billion dollars, 5.3 tons of silver from Eskişehir, 8.2 million dollars by Koza

Gold V.

Good news came from Ağrı state mines with a market value of USD.

Another good news came from Eskişehir. 20 thousand ounce Cocoon in a mine in Eskişehir Comuz


It has been announced that a resource in gold potential has been identified. Open pit mining to

extract reserves

started. It is worth noting that gold reserves are separated from the soil. Castings within a year

will be completed, which adds more than 500 million liras to the Turkish economy.

In September, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources N.N.;

In the next five years, the State aims to increase its annual gold production to 100 tons. Turkey in


In 2017, it increased 38 tons with an increase of approximately 40% compared to the previous year.

It should also be noted that Turkey announced late. One of Turkey's precious metals

Upon the discovery of a mine in Manisa in the west of the city in 2015, approximately 14% of the


Contains 100 tons of gold.

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